So today I woke up and I realized that this is my 9th to last P-day on the mission. RUH-ROH! 9 times seven days a week is still 63 days. So i've still got a lot of time left.
I was called to serve two years. That really means a lot to me. At the end of my two years I want to be able to feel like I have fulfilled my calling. That I have done what the Lord expected of me.
Anyways. I'm doing well down here. our baptism fell through again. But next week we will baptize this dude named R! He's so ready!
Oh so by the way um we have to start thinking about BYUI neh? So I was talking to Elder M and this is the email of his Mom for you to contact her.
We want to room together mkay? We were thinking about living on campus. Elder M is mexican and he wants a kitchen. So we were thinking about living at the Rcks apartments. Also if N wants to room with me I would be alright with that.. But if not that's also okay. Elder M has a friend named L who he aslo wants to room with.
I don't know what I want to do with my future. All I know is that I will be really really rico.
I love you guys!
Elder Tagg
Yes I did read your letter. it was a gud letter. What tribe is Evan from? is it Benjamin? there are two missionaries that I know here in the mission that are from Benjamin... I also know a bunch from Manasseh and one from Levi! he must needs be a Bishop one day since he has the Levitical priesthood! (you may need to ask dad about dat one also :P). Just pulling your chain Maham I know you are well learned in the arts.
but now I really gotta go! love you bye!