I'm sure Bishop H is going to rock the house up there. The ward is really going to have to support him though... The ward has to always support the Bishop. I've seen too many cases where the ward did not support the Bishop. Secret combinations. Is P. Lawyer still stake prez? Who is the mission prez? Who are the missionaries? Are they goods? Bads? Funnies?
Our baptisms fell through this week AGAIN! WHAT THE WHAT!!???!?!
I have been having the time of my life down here in this new area. Puggina and I are working hard with vision. I was a little under the weather this week with a cough do Diabo (the Devil). But I am getting better.
I renewed my temple recommend this week and I was surprised to see how much I had changed since the last time I answered those questions. The spirit was much stronger.
We did a ton of exchanges this week to got all the interviews done.
Imma cut my hair hoje (today).
I know that this church is true. One day it will be the Church of the Firstborn. Ask Dad about that deep doctrine. (?!) By the way we are totally getting into profound doctrinal conversations.
tchau tchau (bye bye)
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