On Christmas and Mother's Day Mormon missionaries are allowed to Skype with their families for about an hour. Here is some information about the conversation with him today. He looked and sounded good. He says he has a good relationship with his companion and we were able to say hello to him as well. When we thanked him for training our son he made a gesture like fanning himself because it was so much work. Seems like a funny guy. We found out he is an older missionary at 24 yrs and that he comes from a humble Brazilian family. There was no bishop in Nathan's ward for a while but they just got a new bishop who is 27 and has an 18 year old wife! When describing his mission president he said he is the complete opposite of the mission president he had in the Washington Everett mission. Apparently he is a real go getter and a real ball of fire! He said it's just what the missionaries need there. When asked about the mission president's wife he said she was so great that he thought she probably had the priesthood. He's a funny guy that Elder Tagg. A fun part was when he asked his brother to play violin for him. While listening to him play he fingered the notes on his arm along with his brother, still remembering what to do from years past of playing the Bach Double. He says he lives in a favela. Pretty much a slum. He eats rice and beans each day. He is working hard and we are proud of him.
Such a good kid!