So this week was awesome! We are doing a lot of finding and teaching and things are going great. I'm seeing my personality start to come through better in my teaching and it's becoming more 'mine'. I'm starting to own it. It's a really great feeling. (Don't take this for pride, it's just something exciting for me).
The next couple of weeks are going to be interesting because of the copa do munro (world cup). During some of the games we will move our study hours around to avoid the craziness. But don't get worried, because I live in probably the safest city in the mission. It's also like the richest ward in the mission. There is only one bairro that I need to evitar (evitar=avoid). Jardim calux (Garden Calux). its a giant favela (slum).
Even though we aren't allowed to watch any of the games, I'm trying to keep track of the scores and write them down to remember. I'm missing a lot of them though. Could you send them to me? I like Neymar.
During the cup I am going to do something that the zone leaders invited us to do. We started by fasting and finding things that we can do to consecrate ourselves to be better missionaries. Then during the forty days of the cup we will be working on these things to do better.
The mission rule is going to change here in a little bit about backpacks. For a long time our Pres said that we could still use backpacks... but now we are switching to side bags and I have no idea how to get one. Do you think you could send me one? Just something small.. Just enough to fit my Portuguese scriptures (witch are a bit larger than English ones) and some pamphlets. something conservative. probably a low maintenance fabric that wont show sujeira facilmente. (dirt easily) LOL
Te love! (love you)
Elder tAGG
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