So today is the last day of the transfer and we still haven't gotten our transfers. Blarg!
But this week was amazing! It started off with a DAY LONG mission wide conference with Prez. A lot of changes were made and a goal of 410 baptisms for October November and December was made. We can do it I know! that is a lot though... The mission has never baptized that much before. that's like how much we get in a year.
then I had a division with the LZs I went to their area with Elder Mealy who is LEGIT! He was in zona rude ramos with me when I was there. He was Elder Witham's comp in the MTC! and T.Olivera went with with M.Pereira. He was also one of Witham's comps. Weird.
But my comp is doing MUCH better. He has improved a TON with me. My second son in the wilderness.
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