Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Solid Investigator

So this week was was great we worked hard. On Saturday we taught English to a bunch of Brazilians. Then on Sunday we get to sacrament meeting and we had 2 new investigators at church - M and Dô. Then guess who just decides to MARCH ON IN, UNINVITED? it was R!
So if I haven't told you... R is a ex investigator whose wife is an inactive church member. He has a brother in law on a mission right now. Elder T and I were really making progress with him, until he disappeared. So he lives in a closed apartment building and we lost contact with him. We would pass by his house a lot and wouldn't be able to talk with him.

But anyways. R walks in and sits down. and i was all like duuuwaaa?!?! so i got up and plopped myself down next to him to say hi and he says, "Elder Tagg, eu quero me baptizer." (I want to be baptized) straight up. he already stopped smoking (a common problem here in Brazil). He just wants to be baptized like NOW!!! so we decided to pass by his house later on that day.
We also taught these super crazy evangélica people (that's like the religion that everybody is here, there are like 58713945087124714561243238 different evangelical churches here). When we prayed at the end the wife left the room and then came back with a veil over her head and was all like "esto pronto agora" (I'm ready to go?). It was weird to say the least.
Then we taught our recent convert P about the plan of salvation again and my companion brought up outer darkness and pauloma was all like "whats that?" and then we had to explain about outer darkness to our recent convert.
But anyways that night we taught R and he is solid! He reminds me a lot of Elder Blake

HOMEBOUI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TE LOVE MEU IRMÃO PREMORTAL
But anyways R is awesome. at the end of the lesson they offered to buzz my hair for free... seeing as I was in desperate need of this and I am dirt poor, I accepted. 

tchão, amo vocês
Elder Tagg

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